Supremacy Games

Chapter 1353  Conditioning A Natural Evolution.

Chapter 1353  Conditioning A Natural Evolution.

"That's possible?" Thor inquired with a puzzled expression, having a tough time imagining something as massive as a cultivation system could be created through an illusion domain.


When this subject was brought up, no one seemed attentive any longer about their poker game and gave their attention to Lady Sphinx.

In turn, she manifested a board and a long stick, then she began explaining her theory.


"It might sound bizarre, but it is more than doable. I have always told Felix that the humans' DNA has the key to their evolution, helping them reach higher heights than their unreliable bloodline cultivation system."

"However, when it comes to creating a new cultivation system on a massive scale, it takes a significant amount of time and effort." Lady Sphinx shared, "In this case, it will take at least a couple million years if not more with the right conditioning for the humans to evolve naturally into the desired target."

"So, you are suggesting that Felix put a portion of humans inside an illusion domain and accelerate the time by thousands of times and create the perfect environment and conditions to control their evolution in a specific way?" Asna asked with an eyebrow raised.

"More or less." Lady Sphinx nodded.

"That does feel logical, but who will agree to such an experiment?" Candace wondered, "You will be asking many people to throw their lives in an illusion world for the sake of the evolution of an entire race...With millions of years going by, there was bound to be an unfathomable number of generations being born inside the illusion and have no clue about the real world or their purpose in life."

"It will be really the most messed up experiment."

Felix couldn't help but agree with her analysis, but at the same time, he already saw plenty of solutions to such problems.

"As long as I explain the experiment reasoning and end goal, anyone who volunteered will be treated right in my illusion domain. If no one volunteered, I can always use the life sentence prisons and reform them through mind manipulation." Felix said.


"That seems feasible." Asna supported.

She knew that there were plenty of life-sentence prisoners across the galaxy and none of them would be able to reject the proposal.

Even if Felix hadn't reformed their minds, they would agree to it, since everything was better than staying in a cell for eternity.

"Which path do you suggest will help humans evolve into the best version of themselves?" Felix inquired.

"I suggest we leave that to nature to decide." Lady Sphinx clarified her idea, "All you have to do is introduce multiple evolution paths, relating to other species, such as pandions, werewolves, shadowborns, vampires, devourers, and even some unknown races. Because humans' DNA is versatile and adaptable with anything attached to it, with the right conditioning and breed crossing between those humans, the new generations would possess either an entirely new cultivation system or two cultivations mixed together. Whatever it was, it's better than the bloodline cultivation system."

"I understand." Felix nodded.

The bloodline cultivation system was amazing on an individual level if one had access to primogenitors' bloodlines, but when it came to a wide scale level?

It was as trash as any other manmade cultivation system without the involvement of nature.

Since Felix couldn't really introduce a new cultivation system into the existing humans since their fate was decided from their birth, he could only change the future of the human race with this method.

When he was satisfied with the latest batch of humans and their new cultivation system, he could release them to the real universe on a mission to spread their genes as much as possible...Eventually, all new generations would possess this new cultivation system and from there on, humans would be considered as a higher-ranked race in the social ladder in a natural manner!

"This sounds like it needs plenty of work and time on my part." Felix said, "It's best to focus on this project when I am done with those three bastards first."

"You are thinking too much." Lady Sphinx shook her head. "You can use a clone to supervise the project while you are handling your other businesses without conflict."

"Won't I find problems with energy consumption?" Felix frowned, "This is an elemental domain and I don't have an illusion conversion technique to help me out."

"Illusion domain is the least energy consuming domain out of all you think I am maintaining such an ever-expanding UVR across an entire universe for millions of years now?"

known five." Lord Loki cleared his doubts, "Even if you created an illusion domain spreading across thousands of kilometers, it will barely exhaust 1% of your energy after an entire month. How do you think I am maintaining such an ever-expanding UVR across an entire universe for millions of years now?"

"That's good to hear." Felix was pleasantly surprised by the low energy intake, but he found it quite reasonable.

The void domain consumed a sh*tload of energy since it erased everything touched by it...To have such an unfathomable power, it needed enough fuel.

The same applied to the life domain that was capable of bringing back wandering spirits into their bodies, something that no one was capable of doing in this universe besides the spirits' guardian and the time primogenitor.

As for the creation domain? Everything created was as real as it could be for everyone involved, even the creator.

This kind of creation required much more energy than a domain using illusion.

"With time acceleration, I can make a decade into ten million years inside of it." Felix mentioned with a faint smile, "This will end the experiment faster before I know it."

"I will leave a clone of mine to supervise it too. With your gene manipulation level, I have a feeling you will end up turning everyone into retarded animals by the end of the experiment." Lady Sphinx said calmly.


Felix wanted to retort but found no words.

He always wanted to learn more about gene manipulation from Lady Sphinx and she promised to teach him after he reached a worthy height in potion concoction.

But with everything going on, he rarely found time for his own potion concoction...Don't even mention adding a new field of study.

In the end, he could only thank her for the help as he knew that it would be much easier with his master's involvement.

Lady Sphinx owed the humans nothing to help them with this, so she was doing this purely out of curiosity and possibly to take advantage of the illusion domain to run one of her own experiments.

Felix had no issues with this at all.

"Candace, contact Malak and tell her to start choosing the subjects." Felix requested.

"On it."

While Felix wasn't planning to start this instant, it was best to begin the preparation as fast as possible.

With the galaxy's current wartorn condition, there would be plenty of people jumping on the opportunity if it meant living in peace with their families without worrying about life necessities.


One year later...

Felix could be seen sitting inside a laboratory while having one evil-looking eye, spinning slowly in front of him.

"Is this the final version?" Asna inquired lazily.

She had watched him spend a year of his time, focusing most of his time on perfecting the use of his illusion domain.

Since this ability was going to be one of his tramp cards against the darkins, he had to become masterful in using it.

During his training, he focused on recreating the wisdom eyes, a couple of rare powerful natural treasures, and most importantly, setting up the perfect environment for the upcoming experiment.

Natural treasures turned out to be the easiest to recreate out of the bunch while the wisdom eye had given him the most trouble.

"I hope so, I have done everything correctly this time." Felix replied.

"Do you need me to test it again?" Candace offered.

"Much appreciated."

Felix pushed the wisdom eye in the direction of Candace.

The moment the eye was on the same level as her right eye, Felix snapped his fingers and both eyes swapped positions in an instant!

Candace didn't let out a single yelp in pain or discomfort, which was a big progress from the first time they attempted to do this.

"What do you feel?" He asked.

Candace opened only the wisdom eye and looked around her with a tint of wonder.

"I can see many black auras surrounding me." Candace responded.

"This means the evil vision is working." Felix sighed in relief, "At last, we got one part correct."

Felix had created many creatures with evil intent targeting Candace to help with the experiment, and now that the evil vision was proven to work, he was left with only one issue to solve...The monstrous analytic powers of the eye!

Since only Felix and the elves could test it on runes, he didn't bother to carry the test with Candace.

The data would be useless anyway if she used it to analyze a math problem or such.

So, it was best to bring Selphie down and perfect it with her data involved after getting rid of the initial danger.

"Queen, contact Selphie, Olivia, Noah, and Bodidi." Felix requested calmly, "Tell them to get here as fast as possible."


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